Your Voice.

Consulting, engagement and involement

How we communicate and how we consult with one another is a vital part of how we work effectively together. Your Voice includes VCSE sector consultation, representation and involvement.

Compact Promise

“We will work together for, and with, the people of Wiltshire, listening to, talking with and involving as many as possible in shaping and reviewing outcomes for our communities and service users.”


This promise:

Acknowledges the expertise of the voluntary and community sector in harnessing the knowledge and energy of local people and how, by working together, we can bring about better results for all.


This promise:

Acknowledges that by engaging people in a timely manner and giving them ownership of a process, both sectors can maximise effectiveness in shaping services, whilst enhancing trust, working relationships and healthy partnerships


The public sector undertakes to:

  • Consult and involve the voluntary and community sector in a timely and planned way on issues, whether national, regional, or local, that are likely to affect it at the earliest stage of policy development
  • Involve the voluntary and community sector in planning, delivering and reviewing their services
  • Choose a method of involvement with the voluntary and community sector that is relevant and appropriate to the issues and that enables a meaningful response
  • Take account of financial constraints on the voluntary and community sector in being involved
  • Give consultees enough information and time to respond – a standard period of 12 weeks. Shorter periods may be required but these instances will be kept to an absolute minimum
  • Ensure that where the standard consultation period cannot be met, all documents will specify why a shorter time has been set
  • Provide timely feedback following involvement, and be willing to change proposals as a result of what has been learned
  • Be clear about the remit and scope of involvement, the process involved, and the method required to influence the outcomes
  • Involve all relevant voluntary and community groups through representation structures using infrastructure support groups to reach the widest range of individuals and community group

The voluntary sector undertakes to:

  • Pursue recognised good practise amongst its members in its representational work, ensuring representation and voice is effective
  • Include members, service users and stakeholders in any involvement activities, such as sharing information or consulting with them
  • Ensure communication structures for liaison and representation are fully utilised
  • Recognise the limits of its own influence
  • Differentiate between the voluntary and community sector organisation’s role in representing an interest group and its role as a service provider. To identify issues for the organisation as a service provider separately from issues affecting members or users
  • Report the views represented fairly and accurately