Compact Summary

Learn The Compact Promises

The Wiltshire Compact is a series of agreements reached between public sector and voluntary and community sector organisations across Wiltshire. The agreements are in the form of five publicly-stated promises and 7 principles.

The Promises and principles underpin the full Compact document which outlines how organisations working as partners will support the development and delivery of services or activities for the benefit of the people of Wiltshire.

The Compact has been designed to complement the shared vision set out in: People, Places and Promises – the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011-2026.

The Compact Principles

The Compact Promises


Principle 1:

The public and voluntary and community sectors affirm each other’s complementary and distinct roles in identifying and meeting the diverse needs of local people, and recognise the value and efficiency of working in partnership towards common aims and objectives

Principle 2

Voluntary and community action plays an essential part in Wiltshire. It enables local people to play a full and active part in vibrant community life, promoting inclusion and representation for disadvantaged groups and communitie

Principle 3:

An independent and diverse voluntary and community sector is vital to the well-being and resilience of communities in Wiltshire


Principle 4

In the joint development and delivery of public policy and services, the public sector and the voluntary and community sector have distinct lines of responsibility and accountability


Principle 5

The voluntary and community sector is ideally placed to harness the knowledge and energy of local people and empower them to develop their own solutions to meeting their needs


Principle 6

Local people and groups have a right to be involved in shaping the decisions that affect their lives. Meaningful and inclusive consultation builds relationships and empowerment in a thriving civil society, improving the services we deliver.


Principle 7

Whilst the public sector and the voluntary and community sector have different forms of accountability and are answerable to a different range of stakeholders, both are committed to integrity, respect, openness, fairness and objectivity in their work together


We promise to:

Work together to make the most efficient and effective use of our available funding resources to deliver the best outcomes for the people of Wiltshire

We promise to:

Work together as partners to build stronger and more resilient communities

We promise to:

Work together for, and with, the people of Wiltshire, listening to, talking with and involving as many as practicable in shaping and reviewing outcomes for our communities and service users


We promise to:

Promote, support and encourage the work of community groups and volunteering in Wiltshire


We promise to:

Recognise and promote the importance of equality, diversity and human rights to ensure an inclusive approach in the creation of stronger, more resilient communities